10The contemporary role, scope and powers of the executive 10.1 Defining the executive: Ministers, Government departments and public bodies 10.1.1 The huge scope of the executive in the United Kingdom today is a complex feature of the constitution, and the executive is the principal means of governance in the country . . . Read more

6European Union law 6.1 The origins and development of EU law 6.1.1 The European Economic Community came into being with the Treaty of Rome (1957), which established the foundations for a new level of European co-operation on issues of economic and social development. Initially there were six Member States. The . . . Read more

13Process, standing and remedies in judicial review 13.1 Procedural requirements in applying for permission for judicial review 13.1.1 The procedural basis for judicial review is found in the: • Supreme Court Act 1981; and • Civil Procedure Rules (Part 54) 13.1.2 Both of these set out procedural requirements in relation . . . Read more

11The contemporary role and powers of the courts 11.1 The role of the courts in the UK constitution 11.1.1 The role of the courts is to offer redress – that is, to be a way for parties to legal disputes to resolve those disputes. The courts are arranged in a . . . Read more

8Devolution and independence 8.1 Historical overview of the formation of the United Kingdom Wales 8.1.1 King Edward I of England undertook a defining military conquest of large parts of Wales between 1277 and 1283. Since then, the Prince of Wales has always owed allegiance (and has most often been a . . . Read more

5The role of international law 5.1 What is international law? 5.1.1 Wallace and Martin-Ortega have written a most useful definition that contemporary international law ‘refers to those rules and norms that regulate the conduct of States and other entities …’. 5.1.2 Such ‘other entities’ include supranational organisations such as the . . . Read more
S SAFE HARBOR See Digital Millennium Copyright Act, Title II SEARCH ENGINE A search engine is a computer program that locates files stored on one or more computers. The user specifies values, such as words, numbers, or dates, for the files sought; the search engine then examines the files in . . . Read more
A AACS See Advanced Access Content System ABANDONWARE Abandonware is software that is no longer being sold or supported by its author, copyright owner, or licensed distributor. Software that is still being sold, but no longer supported, is sometimes also referred to as abandonware. Software becomes abandonware for various reasons. . . . Read more
N NAPSTER See File-Sharing and the Courts (Attempts to Control Technology) NCIPA See Children’s Internet Protection Act NET NEUTRALITY According to proponents of net neutrality (also known as network or Internet neutrality), the Internet functions best (and most fairly) if Internet service providers (ISPs) do not discriminate among users or . . . Read more