Skipping through the desert of the real: copyright landscapes and the future of creativity 11 Oct, 2015 INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY 0
Intellectual property and the state: the territories of national culture 11 Oct, 2015 INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY 0
Can Intellectual Property Help Feed the World? Intellectual Property, the PLUMPYFIELD® Network and a Sociological Imagination 11 Oct, 2015 INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY 0
Geographical Indications and Agricultural Community Development: Is the European Model Appropriate for Developing Countries? 11 Oct, 2015 INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY 0
Reconceptualizing Intellectual Property to Promote Food Security 11 Oct, 2015 INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY 0
Why Didn’t an Equivalent to the US Plant Patent Act of 1930 Emerge in Britain? Historicizing the Boundaries of Un-Patentable Innovation 11 Oct, 2015 INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY 0
Intellectual Property Norm Setting in ex situ Plant Germplasm Access and Benefit Sharing Arrangements 11 Oct, 2015 INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY 0