All posts in GENERAL LAW


CHAPTER ONE SCIENCE & LIBERTY Liberty…is the great parent of science and of virtue; and…a nation will be great in both, always in proportion as it is free. —THOMAS JEFFERSON TO JOSEPH WILLARD, 1789 Science as subversion has a long history. —FREEMAN DYSON, 1989 Over the past few centuries, two . . . Read more


CHAPTER SIX THE TERROR As distant as heaven is from earth, so is the true spirit of equality from that of extreme equality. —MONTESQUIEU, 1748 The French Revolution was as much the progenitor of modern totalitarianism as of modern democracy. —CHARLES COULSTON GILLISPIE, 2004 In the troubled years leading up . . . Read more


15 Conclusions Andrew Lockyer, Malcolm Hill and Fred Stone The broader context to youth crime and children’s well-being In conclusion, we draw together the main themes that have emerged throughout this book. In this chapter, references to authors that are not followed by a date refer to earlier chapters. This . . . Read more

Children’s Justice: A View from America

12 Children’s Justice: A View from America Donald N. Duquette Introduction The children’s justice systems of the United Kingdom and the United States of America evolved from common legal traditions and similar social philosophies. The first US juvenile court in 1899 rested upon a philosophy very familiar to the British: . . . Read more

Children’s Rights and Juvenile Justice

13 Children’s Rights and Juvenile Justice David Archard Introduction What does fairness require of a juvenile justice system?1 And how are the requirements of justice to be squared with the according to children of rights? We can start to answer to these questions by acknowledging that children have, under the . . . Read more

The Place of Lay Participation in Decision-making

11 The Place of Lay Participation in Decision-making Barbara Reid and Ian Gillan In this chapter we examine the role of lay people in judicial decision-making about children and young people. Our focus in the first section is on the justification of lay decision-making in general and the forms it . . . Read more

Change, Evidence, Challenges: Youth Justice Developments in Scotland

8 Change, Evidence, Challenges: Youth Justice Developments in Scotland Bill Whyte Introduction Scotland has had a distinctive approach to youth justice for more than 30 years in the shape of its Children’s Hearings System, which attempts to integrate measures for protecting children and dealing with their criminal behaviour within a . . . Read more