Archive for December 2016

3 The company as a distinct and legal person AIMS AND OBJECTIVES After reading this chapter you should be able to: Understand the consequences of a company having a separate legal personality from its owners and managers Understand the concept of the limited liability of shareholders Analyse and distinguish legal . . . Read more

9 Corporate governance AIMS AND OBJECTIVES After reading this chapter you should be able to: Identify the key organs of governance of a company Discuss the division of power between the board of directors and shareholders Discuss four methods by which shareholders make valid decisions Call a company meeting Discuss . . . Read more

2 Legal structures of business organisations AIMS AND OBJECTIVES After reading this chapter you should be able to: Categorise private businesses in the UK according to legal structure Recognise unincorporated business organisation legal structures Recognise incorporated business organisation legal structures Understand the different types of registered companies available Identify the . . . Read more

7 Shareholders, shares and share capital AIMS AND OBJECTIVES After reading this chapter you should be able to: Understand the nature of a share and the rights and liabilities of a shareholder Explain the concept of a class of shares Distinguish equity and non-equity shares Discuss what is and what . . . Read more

5 The constitution of the company AIMS AND OBJECTIVES After reading this chapter you should be able to: Identify the key documents making up the constitution of pre-2006 Act and post-2006 Act registered companies Explain the key respects in which a pre-2006 Act company’s constitution differs from that of a . . . Read more

14 Minority shareholder protection AIMS AND OBJECTIVES After reading this chapter you should be able to: Understand the proper claimant principle, its origins and shortcomings Advise on the circumstances in which a shareholder may commence and will be permitted to continue a statutory derivative claim (s 260) Recognise when a . . . Read more

1 Introduction to company law AIMS AND OBJECTIVES After reading this chapter you should understand: The scope of ‘company law’ The relationship between core company law, insolvency law, securities regulation and corporate governance The sources of company law The importance in the study of company law of foundation course legal . . . Read more

17 Transparency AIMS AND OBJECTIVES By the end of this chapter you should be able to: Identify the key public disclosures required of registered companies under the Companies Act 2006 Distinguish core company law public disclosure requirements from securities regulation disclosures required pursuant to the Financial Services and Markets Act . . . Read more

15 Restructuring, rescuing troubled companies and takeovers AIMS AND OBJECTIVES After reading this chapter you should understand: When section 110 schemes of reconstruction are available and when they are typically used When Part 26 schemes of arrangement are available and when they are typically used The object and effect of . . . Read more

10 Legally binding the company AIMS AND OBJECTIVES After reading this chapter you should understand: How companies execute and become bound by deeds When a company will be bound by an apparently properly executed deed or other formal document which in fact has been improperly executed The role and use . . . Read more