Conclusion—Western vs. Eastern Replies to the Inverse Economic Pyramid: Innovation, Development, and the Material Future of Cosmoipolitan Justice 30 Oct, 2015 GENERAL LAW 0
Jasper’s Axial Prophesy Fulfilled? The Origin and Return of Biblical Religion, Abrahamic Hermeneutics, and the Second Person 30 Oct, 2015 GENERAL LAW 0
Extending the Dialectics of Secularization Eastward: Scriptural Hermeneutics and Discursive Insights from Hindu, Buddhist, Confucian, and Taoist Philosophy of Language 30 Oct, 2015 GENERAL LAW 0
The Fiction of a European Secular Modernity: Rationalists, Romantics, and Multiple Modernists 30 Oct, 2015 GENERAL LAW 0